My vehicle has aftermarket parts. Can I still use the wash?

While you are welcome to use our car wash, it's important to note that our wash tunnels are designed to accommodate vehicles with their factory-standard features. Aftermarket parts, even if securely attached, may protrude farther than the original factory equipment. This can pose a risk of the aftermarket parts getting caught in or damaging the wash tunnel equipment.

We advise caution when using tunnel washes for vehicles with modifications or aftermarket parts, as they are not specifically designed to accommodate these alterations. The compatibility of aftermarket parts with the wash tunnel equipment cannot be guaranteed.

If you choose to proceed with the wash, we recommend carefully evaluating the positioning and attachment of the aftermarket parts to minimize any potential risks. However, please understand that any damage caused to the vehicle, aftermarket parts, or the wash tunnel equipment is the responsibility of the vehicle owner, as we cannot be held liable for such incidents.

Thank you for considering our car wash service. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the use of our wash with aftermarket parts, our staff is here to assist you.

For additional information regarding our liability policy, please click here.

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